Configuring Castle Windsor

The first thing we need to do when configuring Castle Windsor is add a reference to the Miruken.Castle nuget package:

Install-Package Miruken.Castle


Full documentation covering Miruken.Castle is here.

Installing Mediator

The MediatorInstaller lives in Miruken.Mediate.Castle so add a reference to its nuget package:

Install-Package Miruken.Mediate.Castle

In the Container.Install() method, add your feature assemblies, and then pass in an instance of MediatorInstaller.

namespace Example.Configuration
    using Castle.MicroKernel.Resolvers.SpecializedResolvers;
    using Castle.Windsor;
    using Miruken.Castle;
    using Miruken.Mediate.Castle;

    public class InstallingMediator
        public IWindsorContainer Container { get; set; }

        public InstallingMediator()
            Container = new WindsorContainer();
                new CollectionResolver(Container.Kernel, true));

            Container.Install(new FeaturesInstaller(
                new MediateFeature().WithStandardMiddleware()));

Installing Validation Middleware

The ValidationInstalling lives in the Miruken.Validate.Castle so add a reference to its nuget package:

Install-Package Miruken.Validate.Castle

In the Container.Install() method, add your feature assemblies, and then pass in an instance of ValidationInstaller.